You likely have a lot of reasons why you could use a virtual assistant (VA), but are you wondering; what are the benefits? What could go wrong? Here are a few tips to help insure total success working with a VA.
- Make the goals crystal clear from the start: You know what you need done, when you need it done, the software needed to complete it and if you have a specific process you expect to be followed. Make sure your VA has what is needed or that you supply the proper tools. Give clear and complete instructions in writing when possible so it can be referred back to when necessary.
- Establish clear communication channels: Make sure your VA has a main point of contact if questions come up. Make sure any and all communication is efficient; a simple question can be asked through text or chat wheras something more serious may need a phone call, or can be best explained in an email. Lengthy discussions/meetings are usually best over video chat.
- Set the tone and expectations of standards from the beginning by providing feedback: As soon as the work is completed, give any feedback about job performance, and quality of work returned. Go over any errors or changes to be made and make the due date clear. The more feedback you give about the working relationship, the better your chances of success.