Virtual Assistant Packages
We know that what works for the one business, may not necessarily work for the entrepreneur or start-up, which is why we offer 4 monthly packages to choose from based on your typical service level needs. We also offer custom packages for 120+ hours as well as hourly rates, and can provide you with one-off estimates for projects that fall outside of the packages below or do not require an on-going commitment. For instance, a nonrecurring redaction, transcription or data entry project. We have found for the smaller businesses and entrepreneurs, the monthly subscription plans are a sensible option. This option assures you a dedicated assistant and the best value for your money.
10 Hours
$300 Prepaid Monthly
10 hours per month – Ideal for those who have one-off or short-term projects.
40 Hours
$1320 Prepaid Monthly
40 hours per month – Project based work that goes beyond minor tasks.
80 Hours
$2480 Prepaid Monthly
80 hours per month – A dedicated VA for more demanding & ongoing tasks.
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20 Hours
$680 Prepaid Monthly
20 hours per month – Minor task work to keep things on track.
60 Hours
$1920 Prepaid Monthly
60 hours per month – Operationial based work to keep things running smoothly.
120+ Hours
Just Ask
120+ hours per month – Bigger packages available upon request.